An Introduction

    Here you'll find some basic resources -- a few things to help the beginning author, or the possibly more experienced one who is obsessing over one tiny detail while they could be writing.  And while tangential research can be fun, it's really not very productive, and is, more than likely, the aspect of writing that keeps most unpublished works off the web.  And so here, provided for your use, are several sources meant to banish such baneful distraction from the 'fanfiction process' completely.  I am truly sorry.

An eText of the original novella, by Robert Louis Stevenson.

The synopsis from the liner notes of the Original Broadway Cast recording and the Concept recording (you never know what people will base their stories off of, I suppose).  I believe these can both be purchased at the official site (free advertising!).

I plan to find some sites pertaining to the many film versions of Jekyll and Hyde, many of which the musical heavily resembles.  If anyone knows of such a webpage, please contact me.

    Also posted here are the guidelines for fiction submission.  They are quite simple, and most are widely used and accepted:

    No pornographic anything.  End of story.  If you're asking 'well, what precisely do you mean by pornographic? This isn't really pornographic ...' then it's pornographic.  By posting such things, I could lose my webhost service, and very likely my lunch.  No explicit sex.  Which is not to say that romance is out, or a reference to romantic activity ... I hate fuzzy lines.  Moving on ...

    There is no rule concerning violence ... just use your best judgment.  If you think it warrants a warning, tell me and I'll put one up.

    No plagiarism.  Duh.  Sorry, I needed extra rules ...  Anyhow, just don't cut and paste someone else's work into your story and pass it off as your own achievement.

A Few Tips
(*hint hint*)

    Formatting.  It annoys me endlessly when I run into a bunch of letters with weird accents and other marks, in place of punctuation.  Their appearance may have a lot to do with the fact that I use Netscape Composer, rather than a safer Microsoft editor of some sort.  However, I dislike Microsoft as much as I dislike weird letters. *grin*  This can be easily remedied -- use your period key for ellipses, *please* don't use italics when sending stuff (you can otherwise signal me to put it in italics for you.  [Brackets] or *asterisks* are cool), and weird letters that are indeed intended as weird letter and not as punctuation should come with a warning.

    When sending a story, I would very much appreciate it if you sent it as a .txt file.  No funny formatting there, you see.  No pretty quotation marks (which cause me much pain), you understand.

    I am currently a junior in high school.  I therefore deal with AP classes, University classes, and other classes everyday, as well as the homework that follows.  I can't imagine that anything would ever stop me from getting in at least a little on-line time in a day, but if that should turn out to the the case, your work will not be posted until the nearest weekend.  My apologies -- and believe, me, I really *am* sorry. *sigh*

    When sending a story, I'd appreciate it if it were sent to -- I'll still see it, no matter where you send it, but this way I'll see it on the same day.  Barring a vacation, or something.

    That's all for rules!  Nothing new here, I suspect.

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